Saturday, January 15, 2011

Leonardo meets Jack - Fibonacci Poetry with a Beat

Leonardo Pisano Bigollo
a.k.a. – Leonardo of Pisa
a.k.a. - Fibonacci

Jean-Louis Kerouac
a.k.a. – Jack Kerouac
a.k.a. – The Icon of the Beat Generation

After reading a recent article from the MAA Focus, a newsmagazine of the Mathematical Association of America on Literature and Mathematics, I was discourage that the mathematics only existed in the subject matter of the poetry. Not to say that the poetry was weak, but the use of mathematics was not impressive. If the building blocks of mathematics are numbers, then why not consider the building blocks of literature the alphabet. One similarity is that both number and alphabet are very fundamental and taught to children are the same time.

Another obvious similarity is sequence. The integers are ordered sequentially by a difference of 1 (..., n-1, n, n+1, ...) and the alphabet has been an ordered sequence as early as the 8th century BC.  Mathematicians were quick to agree on their concept, but it took literary scholars thousands of years to perfect their sequence to our current state of 26 elements[i] (western edition).

The obvious difference is the infinite choice of numbers verses the finite set of the alphabet. Luckily, mathematics devised a method for relating two unequal sets and called it modular arithmetic. Oddly enough, we all use it every day (literally) when telling time. There are 24 hours in the day, but only 12 numbers on the clock. Therefore, the 13th hour of the day is known as 1 o’clock[ii], 18th hours of the day equates to 6 o’clock, 23 equals 11, etc. In the form of arithmetic, we have:
10 hours + 7 hours = 17 hours (which converts to 5 o’clock)
10 + 7 = 5
This mathematical system is called arithmetic modulo 12.

Applying the same principle to the 26 letter alphabet, where each letter is assigned a number (A=1, B=2, C=3, ...) will derive 27 to equal A, 28 to equal B, on into infinity. With modular arithmetic, the natural numbers[iii] and the alphabet now have a 1 to 1 correspondence. Thus my mathematical palette is now alphabetical! I have chosen to collide these two seemly opposite worlds while under the influence of Jack Kerouac[iv], the infamous beatnik poet and author of “American Haikus”.

Fibonacci Haiku #1: Abacus!

End his mind unhip.
Can’t know null.

Fibonacci Haiku #2: Help could knot.

Angst abound.
Cease. End. Heal my urge.
Help could knot.

A traditional haiku has a pattern of syllables of 5 – 7 – 5. A Fibonacci Haiku (a.k.a. Fib[v]) use a syllable line pattern of 1 – 1 – 2 – 3 – 5 – 8. I have chosen to combine the two into a three-line poem using neighboring Fibonacci sequence numbers. In the above example, I used 3 – 5 – 3. This could expand to 5 – 8 – 5 or 8 – 13 – 8 or even larger. To stay in the style of Jack Kerouac, the smaller format is best.

The other prerequisite for this variation is that each syllable must begin with the letter of the alphabet that corresponds to the Fibonacci sequence. The official sequence begins with the number zero, but the application (there is freedom in art) allows the poet to start anywhere in the sequence. The first poem, Abacus!, uses the sequence 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144 (which equates to the letters: A, B, C, E, H, M, U, H, C, K, N) while the second poem’s sequence is 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89 (which equates to an additional A as a beginning.)

3:       A1b2ac3us!
5:       E5nd h8is m13ind u21n h34ip.
3:       C55an’t k89now n144ull.

3:       A1ngst a1-b2ound.
5:       C3ease. E5nd. H8eal m13y u21rge.
3:       H34elp c55ould k89not.

The possibilities are endless, as art mediums should be. Yes, I consider poetry, when read aloud, to be performance art. Especially when accompanied by music and read with passion. I hope to continue down this road and share Fibonacci influenced beatnik poetry. Please share your own ideas or poems on this blog.

Jack Kerouac reading “American Haikus”:

Jack Kerouac on the Steve Allen Show reading his own work “On the Road”:

Introduction of a 1 to 1 correspondence of the natural number to the alphabet by the Jackson 5:

[i] The reason for the order of the alphabet is still uncertain to this scholar. Please feel free to share any incite.

[ii] The military operates on its own rules, and I fully support their efforts.

[iii] For this exploration, I will be avoiding zero and negative numbers in order to have a positive experience in my self-created English class.

[iv] Jack Kerouac on the Steve Allen Show reading his own work “On the Road”:
Jack Kerouac reading “American Haikus”:


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